Hi! I'm Ameka

I spent the last 5 years building a self-funded multi-million dollar beauty brand. I’ve sold physical and digital products all over the world. 

I help new and aspiring entrepreneurs launch and grow their online businesses.

As someone who has learned product formulation, email marketing, sales funnels, e-commerce, launching, etc., I have vast experience and knowledge in an array of areas.

I love helping others and receive great joy when I see people of faith walking out their purpose and living their lives abundantly and with joy.

However, I do realize that some people are not truly walking in their calling and they are not doing so because they have allowed the spirit of fear to totally consume their lives. It has crippled them in a way where they are withholding their God-given talents and gifts from the world.

They are amazing individuals and have awesome business ideas, etc. but they are holding back in their lack of execution due to fear.

If this is you, hear me when I tell you, I have been there! I lived in fear the majority of my life.

However, I have come to know and believe that God has equipped me for greater. Greater works, greater missions, greater legacies. 

And guess what, He has equipped you too! 

And this is why I have been led to start coaching people like you. I want to help you come out of your shell of fear and to show up living a life full of Faith. You deserve all of God's abundance and more!